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When we began these small reflections we hoped to encourage the whole Parish family to be evangelisers of God’s word. Pope Francis exhorts us to:. Go out and share your testimony, go out and interact with your brothers and sisters, go out and ask.

“I am not in this world any longer, but they are in this world”. John 17:11. Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which Jesus looks upon the world. How are you Christ to others?

How do we ask those who have lost direction to come and meet Jesus? Who did you ask to allow Jesus into their lives?

The doubters, the outcasts, those with guilt, those who have left the Church – how do you introduce or re-introduce these people to Jesus?

You need to ask them to the table. You need to be more like Andrew.

Ask them, as Jesus did to his disciples, to come and see.

How can YOU be more like Andrew?

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